Quantas Business and Construction Joomla 5 och Joomla 4 mall
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02/11/2024 --Joomla 4-5 Version, Akeeba Backup,Smart Slider, JT Contetn Slider, JT testimonial Updated. 23/04/2024 --Joomla 4-5 Version, Akeeba Backup, T3 Plugin, Updated. 16/02/2024 --Joomla 4-5 Version, Akeeba Backup,SP Simple Portfolio, Updated. 16/12/2023 --Joomla 4-5 Version, T3 Plugin Updated. Smart Slider Updated. 28/10/2023 --Joomla 5 Version added, T3 Plugin Updated. Smart Slider Updated. 11/04/2023 --Joomla Version, T3 Plugin Updated. Smart Slider Updated. 18/10/2022 --Zip checksum error fixed 14/10/2022 --Joomla Version Updated. Smart Slider Updated. User reported minor bug fixed 09/08/2022 --Joomla Version and SP Simple Portfolio, Smart Slider, Yendif Video Share and T3 Plugin Updated. Documentation enriched and some of Extension-specific Tutorials added. 29/04/2022 --Joomla Version and Smart Slider Updated.
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