Etaxi - Šablona webových stránek Responsive Taxi Company
og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

Etaxi Version 3.1 (September 20, 2023):
- UPD: Bootstrap to 5.2.0;
- UPD: Popper 2.11.5;
- UPD: jQuery Form to 4.3.0;
- UPD: PHPMailer to 6.5.5;
- FIX: CSS styles;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Etaxi Version 3.0 (April 18, 2022):
- UPD: Bootstrap 4.4.1 to 5.0.1;
- UPD: Popper 1.14.3 to 2.9.2;
- UPD: Jquery migrate 3.0.0 to 3.3.2;
- UPD: Jquery 3.2.1 to 3.6.0;
- FIX: CSS styles;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Etaxi Version 2.1 (October 07, 2020):
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Etaxi Version 2.0 (May 15, 2020):
- ADD: PageTransition plugin v1.1.4;
- ADD: Form with reCAPTCHA;
- ADD: MailChimp;
- ADD: Campaign Monitor;
- UPD: Bootstrap framework to v4.4.1;
- UPD: Isotope.js;
- UPD: Owl carousel plugin to v2.3.4;
- UPD: Lightgallery;
- Change: Progress bars to αProgressCircle;
- Change: Counters to αCounter;
- Change: Timecircle to αCountdown;
- FIX: Minor HTML and CSS bugs.
Etaxi Version 1.1 (November 22, 2019):
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
5 Reviews for this product
beautiful template, very simple but modern and elegant. great support thank you
Great produce. Will come definitely back for my next web site.
Super Template mit Admin. Das ist einfach Super und Einfach . Support Hilft ohne Probleme .
This is a really nice template. Very professional looking, very clean, and functional. The mobile/responsive functionality works great as well. A ltf of attention to detail. Perfect for us designers who want a nice clean slate to start with. Easy enough to modify and intuitive. Thanks Template og体育首页!
A very nice bootstrap template. Some of the nicer feates are the boxes with images you can browse through with arrows. It also has a nice blog setup with different formats available. The reservations page offer an extended form which includes nice numner and date select boxes. There are also different graphical elements available for showing percentages, progess bars and the like. The same aplies for the table layouts available.
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